Sunday, April 19, 2009

Landscaping questions?

We%26#039;re in the process of putting a chain link fence up in the backyard and we want some shrubs to cover part of it. We purchased 4 PJM Rhododendrons and 3 White light Azaleas. I%26#039;m not sure if these should be placed in groupings of the same shrub or alternating every other shrub. I%26#039;m not sure what is usually done to look the best. Also, I%26#039;m planning on putting a flower garden in. Should these shrubs be used as the back of the garden or should they be standing alone and the garden seperate. I%26#039;m obviously confused on what to do. Any suggestions would be great!!!!

Landscaping questions?
Landscaping is like art and the yard an empty canvas. As long as you place the plants properly, i.e. correct soil, sunlight etc. then do what you think looks good!

Personally I LOVE Rhododendrons and would group them, but not close together.
Reply:I would group the same plants together, its much more natural looking and pleasing to the eye and then if one plant dies or doesnt%26#039; grow the same size or shape as the others of that variety its not so obvious


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