Sunday, April 19, 2009

Why is my osteospermum plant's stems and leaves turning red?

I have an osteospermum plant that I purchased last year and kept it indoors during the winter (it grew very well indoors, except it didn%26#039;t flower). 3 weeks ago, I took the plant outside and kept it on my sunny patio. I%26#039;ve notced that the stems and leaves are now turning red. Regardless, new leaves are coming up, and I haven%26#039;t seen any buds yet either. Is the plant dying? Should it be placed in a shaddy area?

Why is my osteospermum plant%26#039;s stems and leaves turning red?
Some of them have red and green leaves. Yours could be the type that does. Otherwise, it could be the cold, which will be rectified when things warm up; or a deficiency, in which case a bit of plant food would help.

They like full sun.


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